WidgetWall Beta Testing

Test the newest updates and bug hunt with us!

How it works
As our app evolves, you’ll get exclusive access to its beta builds. We encourage you to explore freely, challenge the app, and pinpoint any weak spots. It’s a win-win—while you enjoy a sneak peek into our latest features free of charge, we gain invaluable insights. Most everyone will be accepted, until we hit the maximum amount of testers allowed in TestFlight. Once that’s full, inactive testers will be removed occasionally and new testers will be invited.
Step by Step

Once you joined then follow these steps:

  1. Install TestFlight, an Apple app for distributing beta builds
  2. Click the link in the invite email and it will add WidgetWall to TestFlight
  3. When beta builds become available, you can install them from TestFlight
  4. Contact us with any issues you encounter. Include any helpful details and steps to reproduce the issues when possible.


Desktop widgets for your Mac.


A fresh start without a restart.


Emoji faster.


Golden ratio without the math.​​